Querify Labs
About speaker
CTO at Querify Labs
Alexey has 10 years of experience building complex distributed systems and data storages. Before Querify Labs, Alexey worked at GridGain, where he was responsible for the overall product architecture, playing a pivotal role in developing persistence, replication, and transaction protocol for the Apache Ignite project. Alexey's area of interest includes query optimizers, concurrent algorithms, and formal methods. Alexey is a committer to the Apache Ignite project.
About speakers's company
4 July, 10:00, «Hall 1»
Just-in-time (JIT) compilation is widely known at least for Java developers and users, but is JIT limited to virtual machines only?
In this talk, we will explore why and how modern databases and data management systems use JIT to make the most of the available computational resources and improve query performance, see how JIT and ahead-of-time compilation work together, glance over some of the available JIT toolkits for Java and C++ and how they can be used in non-database projects.
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